Sunday, 25 December 2016

Christmas Day Tidy Up

No plans to go anywhere this weekend; just tidying up the house instead. The garage badly needs sorting out, the kitchen hob needs cleaning and the downstairs bathroom needs a good scrubbing. I'm not doing anything special for Christmas (though I did buy both F-22 and A-10 model airplanes in 1:72 scale for little Terence).

The video is an old Chris Rea track from 1979, referring to the old "Deltics" trains that used to operate on the UK's east coast main line from London to Edinburgh in the '60s. I used to take trains on that east coast line between Edinburgh and Durham and occasionally Newcastle and London King's Cross, but those were all Intercity 125s. I can still clearly recall many of the sights from the train windows on the Durham-Edinburgh and Edinburgh-Durham journeys. It's funny what you can remember.

Anyway, here's a "Merry Christmas!" to Nate, Sylvie and all the other people who read this blog. I hope you all have a good time this weekend.

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