Saturday, 11 March 2017

Last weekend trip to Nanhua Reservoir to observe the construction work on the new sluiceway...

Downstream from Nanhua reservoir; the riverbed is split into sections by small dams designed to slow down the flow rate in order to alleviate soil erosion further downstream from fast-flowing discharge waters. To the left you can also see a series of silt traps downstream from the exit point for the new sluiceway tunnel.
That sluiceway tunnel exit mouth. Once the tunnel is completed, a channel will be dug to direct the water into the silt traps before entering the main course of the river downstream from the spillway.
The spillway; it has a discharge capacity of 4,332 cubic meters per second all of which is entirely uncontrolled due to the open overflow design of the lip-shaped sill.
The dam; 4,991,000 cubic meters in volume; which is fairly large for Taiwan.
Looking over to the higher of two adit points giving construction access to the new sluiceway tunnel.
The lower adit point with the twin-boom Fairchild C-119 in the background.
Profile of the sluiceway exit mouth from up on the hillside.
The additional, short dams downstream from the spillway's stilling basin. They double as silt traps in their own right but their primary function is to slow down the flow of water when the spillway is in operation.
The silt traps for the sluiceway.
Artificial wharf at the reservoir's southern end. This platform is used for loading equipment onto barges so that they can be sent northward (left) to the construction site at the upstream mouth of the new sluiceway. The reservoir is approximately half-full at the moment, and you can see from this image that there is a distance of about eight to ten meters between the water and the bridge. When the reservoir is full with the spillway in operation, this bridge is entirely submerged.
The construction site for the upstream point of the new sluiceway. If I am correct, then the tunnel mouth you can see is actually another adit point to allow workers' access to the sluiceway via a gallery, not the actual mouth of the sluiceway itself, which should be situated at a somewhat lower elevation.
Looking out northward over the management center from the public viewing platform with the curved arch dam in the background.

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