This is just a disorganized collection of pictures from various trips over the past three weekends. I've not really had the time or inclination to write up about any of them due to being preoccupied with other things. During all three weekends the weather has been overcast and dull, so for some of these pictures I messed about with filters to brighten them up a bit.
I made a couple of trips out to Yenshuipi, which is a small local reservoir here in Tainan that I hadn't previously visited. There is an interesting history to it as although it was built during the 1950s, it stands on the site of previous work of some kind both by the Chinese and, prior to that, the Dutch although I have struggled to find more information about this...
A transformer station in Shanshang district just up from the gas-fired power plant...
I also took a brief trip to observe the state of affairs at Baihe reservoir where the construction of the new sluiceway is ongoing. The downstream mouth has now been opened up and the sluiceway walls downstream from that opening have now reached all the way down to the discharge stream west of the spillway itself. In addition, a bridge has been constructed across the sluiceway walls to support the irrigation channel taking water out of the reservoir...
At the back of Baihe reservoir, there is still sufficient water to go boating despite the ongoing draw-down at the front...
There are, I suspect, no more eagles living at Baihe reservoir. There are however a pair of Ospreys...
We also made a trip out onto the water at Houtopi, where a section of the dam has recently been repaired, and though we were once again frustrated by the dull weather, I did manage to get some decent pictures of what I believe is a Crested Goshawk...
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