Friday, 10 June 2016

Back In Hsinchu County

Overlooking the southern end of Baoshan Second reservoir at just before 6 a.m. this morning.
Last night I took the train up to Hsinchu to get an early morning start. I reached the southernmost point of Baoshan Second reservoir at about 5.40 a.m. and took some shots of the early morning sun rising to the north west over the reservoir. 

My main objectives for today were to take some early morning photos of Baoshan Second reservoir, to take some shots of the weir and intake gates from the eastern shore of the river, and to take some better shots of the sedimentation tank, feeder channels and the baffled waterfall at Baoshan First reservoir. 

In the end, it was a disappointing trip; the weather quickly turned dull and overcast as the morning drew on and the view toward the weir and intake gates proved to be partially obscured by trees and foliage.

First view of the weir, partially obscured by foliage.
A clearer view of the structures on the western shoreline; the two gates with two intake structures behind them, the first obscured by the curve of the embankment wall.
The fish ladder on the northern shoreline of the weir.
The largest of the two water intake structures, presumably also the newest one built in the early to mid 2000s to accommodate the water needs of the Second reservoir. It is almost identical to the new one recently constructed down south in Yunlin County to serve Hushan reservoir.
What appears to be the earlier intake structure, although I couldn't get a clear view of it due to the trees.
Another obscured view of the weir and entrapment pen; the intake gates are just visible behind the gates.
The baffled chute waterfall which feeds Baoshan First reservoir at its' north-eastern most point.
As seen through the 300mm lens.
Kingfisher; too far away to allow for a good shot.
As usual, there were butterflies and caterpillars everywhere. The types of lenses I have are not ideal for photographing insects.
In all a rather disappointing trip, with the only thing really accomplished was getting back to Tainan as early as possible unharmed aside from a mild case of sleep deprivation. The weather down here in the south is even worse than it is up north, and I doubt I'll be able to get anything worthwhile done in terms of photography during this year's Dragon Boat long weekend, which is unfortunate. But we'll see...

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